Lawrence Rauch Telemetry Standards Award Click here to go to the Winner's page PURPOSE OF AWARD:
NAME OF AWARD: Lawrence Rauch Award for Best Paper on Telemetry Standards at ITC [Year]
AWARDED BY: Telemetering Standards Coordinating Committee of IFT
FORM OF AWARD: The award will be a plaque only, no monetary compensation. The author will get listed in the ITC Proceedings and on the TSCC web site.
SELECTION PROCEDURE: A subcommittee of three full members of the TSCC shall be appointed by the TSCC Chair to evaluate papers dealing with TELEMETRY STANDARDS that have been submitted to the ITC prior to each upcoming conference. (The TSCC Chair will ask the ITC Technical Chair and Session Chairs to forward Prepublication copies of papers they feel should be considered.) Papers will be excluded from consideration that include TSCC committee members as author or co-author. In the selection process, members may not participate in the paper selection process if a paper originates in their organization or is authored by a family member. The subcommittee shall score each paper according to the following scoring criteria. The highest scoring paper shall be the subcommittee's choice for the award, assuming it scored above a reasonable minimum value. SCORING CRITERIA Points will be awarded as follows.
1. Required in all cases: Subject matter must be principally about telemetry standards or a telemetry standard. It is not enough to merely mention a standard in the paper. Any paper whose subject is not telemetry standards is not eligible. This may mean no award is made in certain years.
2. Up to 20 points: Paper describes a new or forthcoming standard that is being developed by a recognized standards body -OR-Paper explains an existing standard that has been misunderstood or misapplied by the public or an existing standard that has been applied in a novel way.
3. Up to 20 points: Clarity of presentation, relevance, ease of understanding, and compliance with ITC paper format.
4. Up to 20 points: Given for timeliness of the standard to benefit an application (e.g., in a soon-to-be-flown, novel device.)
5. Up to 20 points: Given for explaining synergism (tie-ins, leverage) with other standards.
6. Up to 20 points: Highlighting a major problem with an identified standard and is being worked on by a recognized standards body. The author does not have to be the discoverer of the problem.
These add up to 100, but it is not expected that any paper will reach 100; the points are only to assign weight for ranking purposes and do not represent a level of perfection.
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